
The intuitive painting - The method

In the Intuitive Painting meeting, a journey takes place to discover one's own creativity and oneself that involves the imagination, senses, the emotion and spirit.

Entering the dynamics of the game are activated positive energy and wonderful of your inner child.

You'll find yourself in front of a large white sheet on which to work, do not you think, but it is like a mirror of your inner self, with your emotions, clear potential, unexpressed or latent, all the nuances of your inner world. Front, see many colors with which to paint, It is a gluttonous feast of imaginative stimuli, visual and tactile; the whole environment is ready with furniture and floor protection. Do not hold your curiosity to have an experience that comes out of your ordinary and rational control life! Do not hold the ability to go beyond your habits, the boundary line of things that should not be made, to get dirty and dare!

Put in the hollow of his hand a generous amount of color, Take the first I prefer not to think too much, so it's never a randomly chosen, It will be the color that your energy vibrates at this time, feeds and resonates. Massaged hands with that color, how you feel? Listen to your feelings. And 'the simple rediscovery of touch. Now you slip gently your hands free on the sheet, move your arms and dance on it. For some, even this small initial experience is a pleasant surprise and spontaneous reporting to the caress of the body, to give and receive, heard not judge, closer to your natural instinct, Our body has a wonderful intelligence that is far greater than our rationality. Others feel discomfort with getting their hands dirty or wasting color, Here you can already guess that there is an inner parent who wants to control and sabotage this and does not allow you to have new experiences.

If this experience is done with the music with closed eyes, t'aiuterà feel more fluid and loose, less conditioned by your own controls, you feel that inside you there is a universe of emotions and images that can not be expressed with logic.


In the Intuitive Painting not need knowledge and artistic skills

I will guide you personally from this point on to experience some simple fun, cheerful painting techniques.

Get different colors and spruzzali with hands on sheet, They will become like many confetti, uses contrasting colors and no, download your energy with a decisive gesture and liberating, You can add as many as you want, until it becomes like a starry sky. Then take a spray bottle of water and sprays water on the colors. You'll see right away that the colors begin to move, becoming more diluted in some areas and clear, in other are mixed with each other, You will witness a little magic. Allow yourself to be surprised, marvel.

And Then, I will lead you to discover other curious and unusual techniques such as a ball racing and drag the color on the paper, creating straight and regular routes, as a straw to blow the liquid color, a wooden stick to affect the color or a centrifuge salad, simple objects for everyone, with which to try, experience , play and improvise. Observe any accidental gesture, It can be an opportunity to intuitive discovery, because it was not dictated by the desire of the logical mind, It can also be a small detail like a speck that remind you and bring you imagine a murrina Venice, the sun, a multicolored asteroid or a galaxy, stop watch them quietly and wonder, you are getting a little treasure, like all the children who stop to take an interest in what they do for new ideas, the biggest and most rewarding, air throw the game and rincominciano in another direction.

Sometimes at the beginning of each painting you can feel in the dark, then he is walking and sees the light and continuing to work, alternated moments of discovery and confusion, then again moments of chaos and enthusiasm, the important thing is not to stop, children feel more interested to explore that the representation, who forget the passing of time and hunger. Take back the right to mess around, to make mistakes, go out from the sheet, See the spark of that t'illumina, Rediscover that d 'adults our inner child makes us feel his innocence and the ability of fun even in small things, realizing that her beauty, spontaneity and vulnerability are values ​​to be protected in order to cultivate our joy.

In the intuitive painting he puts aside the anxiety of perfection, You do not need you to do a work that is pleasing to all, surrenders to understand that the idea of ​​good and bad, positive and negative depend on our cultural conditioning and the need to please others is not connected with the spontaneous expression of our uniqueness.

When we are creative, we are joyful, we're fine, everything is beautiful and we're not judging by the rational mind. When you paint with your heart they never pass judgment for himself and the others, It understands that you are there with her own life, experience and history and each one does and lives as you know. The Intuitive Painting is a disruptive painting and contemporary painting as it may seem chaotic and unpredictable that it creates confusion, because we are seeing and judging by the rational mind does not accept it and is frightened by what it does not know.

Painting with this freedom means not being afraid of posting, to change and transform. Create, unravel, recreate, renew're in the creative wave dynamic game with zones "up and down", in the inner certainty that everything starts again with new fresh energy.

Sometimes we face on our painting a discovery that not c'aspettavamo and this is such a beauty surprise that excites us. We would like to preserve and conserve the painting as it is, This is understandable and fair, but if we are able, It is much better than going to proceed, to try to leave through fear of losing what we got, If we prove, we will have new opportunities for discovery, new horizons will open on the painting and within us.


The "inner child" is all our impulses and emotional stories, our feelings, Instead the "inner parent" is the control drive, the rules, judgment, and criticism. The inner child reflects the beautiful vulnerable child that we were small, pure heart, open. Then growing, little at a time, this emotional energy is in contact with the fear of losing the love, to be abandoned, not cared. Answers to these experiences with fear and the energy of his heart that begins to close, changes and model based on negative experiences. Crescendo, becoming women and men, that hidden energy continues to live in us and colors, in-form based on the tones and the degree of suffering in childhood we received our existence d 'adult.

The inner parent is a compulsion that grows little by little in our childhood on our parents' model, and he lives with us throughout life, instead it crucial to protect the vulnerable child to prevent him from getting hurt and suffer. It can be represented as the "Jiminy Cricket" Pinocchio always generous to give advice. It represents our rationality, the rule, control, all that is known and consolidated. It is structured so that the child never expose the dangers, always keeping it in safety: from crossing the road to preventing the approach of unknown experiences to received models and well-established, but that never renewed in the dynamic flow of life. The parental instinct is a reflection of the rational mind that is made to know, compare, store and everything that does not know does not exist and does not like, better to stay in the area of ​​his "comfort" to not go crazy or die. This inner parent you want to protect, and it does so with a contribution to make you just survive, but it is self sabotaging, because there comes a time when your inner child pushes you to new experiences. Not at all satisfied with the level of survival in which he lives, it pushes you, so to get out of your area of ​​"comfort".

The existence if it is not included in its dynamics, very often it becomes a theater where tyrannize an inner parent, who does his work controller and an inner child with his gifts, talents, curiosity and always needs stimulation, but also in need of love, the need to be there and vent his anger wounded child.

With Intuitive Painting it is possible to get in touch with these two impulses, that of the child and parent, meet them, for to know them, to hug.

In the meeting of Painting will prepare an extraordinary condition with many colors, tools and large surfaces to be painted, a special occasion. In this way it will be to bring, stimulate excite the presence of your inner child, no matter if you 8-38-88 years, he is always ready to go out as soon as new possibilities arise. It will begin to be itself: exploring, enjoy it, playing not to judge, but you will have to deal with your counterpart, the parent ready to curb your instinctive gestures, your energy and force that wants to go out, Your curiosity and desire to learn, Your need to be surprised, and you give to life and to others without self-interest. You will still need to meet your inner parent and mediate its control to put fear of the unknown and not be judged.

In the meeting of Painting will faciliterò, through your approach to color, the forms and as you move into them will show you how does your inner child and how it curbs and controls the parent. It will be an occasion that reflects the way you move in life. If you listen you'll feel like you're different in either mode. It's about finding the union of our inner parts known and unknown, putting clarity and proceeding with tenderness and love. The aim is to understand the inner parent, although in good faith, It does not allow us to make new discoveries, while our inner drives us to do different experiences, because he wants to take you to higher levels of existence to learn more about your power, greater vitality and joy.



Experience the power of their emotions

The painting becomes the dance of life

When you manage to release the energy of the child within us, creativity smoothly moves, your hands, your arms and your body moving, you feel that you crossed by waves of excitement and surprises. Do you feel a child who wants to explore and have fun, your mind becomes silent and makes available only to contribute to the logistical aspects of the game.

You become one with what you are doing with your emotions, you can take a color and strew or sprinkle it on the painting, as well as make other colors and find that you do not have fear even if they are difficult colors. Feel that you dare, though at this t'intimorisce, gradually it is facilitated, daring it is not alien, but partner who supports you. They are new ideas of how to move in the painting, not that you expected something so new and unusual you liked and you feel at ease. Just outside the picture to your right, you can find various tools, one t'incuriosisce, try it with the colors, do other new discoveries that will amaze, yet you like. You're in the flow of creativity, your vitality your emotions are connected with it, are you all right it's all a discovery. Do you feel to live as intensely as it is a long time since you do not do more, you are alone and you're experiencing for yourself. Look inside you amplify the intensity of life.


Zone high and low areas

This dynamism may take even more time, with other instruments, other stimuli are riding new creativity. Then comes, soon later a gray area, where you feel that your beautiful energy so alive abandoned you, you look around, but you do not see anything else that you like, New ideas do not come anymore, feel only a slight discomfort within you: you lost the magic link with creativity. Now you're in a dark area, an area "down" which would not be and feel a slight discomfort in the belly, stay there, Also this is life and as such should be crossed, just so you can bring something. But you have to choose not to run, do not close. wait, you have trouble, a bit 'of fear and do not know what to do, but you can not know that this difficulty accepting something so underground moves. Now do something different as a stand up, changes your energy, take a ride in the room, drink a glass of water, salts on a chair or ladder, look at your painting and yourself from a different perspective. plastics, tries, mostly, part, without knowing how, and in the dark, that's what you want, sometimes with tenderness, other times with more force, life is asking you to dare more life. Bring out more boldly than they've been before, do something you've never done, Walk out from your rules, only this t'aiuterà to feel your power. And 'the fear of getting lost and change, that restrains you. But once again try and crosses the boundary line of your comfort and habits, thrown into the unknown, and only then make new discoveries. At that point you'll discover something that shines, that tells you to follow him to experience, It may be a hint that you see in the picture, that tells you to be caught, developed, or a random thing happen that maybe you rekindles idea. He asks you strength, the daring, to close the voices of the mind and bring out a bit 'of madness. You realize that you're on a new road, once it seemed impossible, but now you see that you can make small steps first, Test your idea in the painting, extend it with intensity without much thought. You're back in touch with your courage, your energy not commanded thee forsaken asked you just the way to be renewed and amplified. Dare to take a brush and make scribbles, or throws on the painting of colored cans. Resented back your creative force, that comes from within, indeed this force has grown, This amazes you, It gives you confidence how much power and strength dwell with you and do not know them, I do not even suspect. No matter what happens to your painting, the final result, what you are feeling like you and feeds you. You're touching the freedom of unknown areas, of your unknown areas, you're touching a new you.

At the end it happens to discover that your painting is beautiful, load energy and power, how you feel inside you. Once the painting is always a reflection of our inner.

You can feel the joy and have discovered that it does not depend from the outside ever, but from your inner self.


Getting in touch with his soul

When you live with this intensity, There is nourished by the force that is expressed, you find that you can explore life with increasing freedom. Especially you are good and you feel good, You are in tune and harmony with all of yourself, with your emotions, with your body and your mind that it was quiet and did not think anything, naturally you liked and did you have fun. You have lived a fuller life experience.

Sometimes we do not know who we are, What it is right for us and when you realize that he had always lived with the masks of yourself, you know you can not ask your answers to the mind, even your most advanced knowledge, which is always a mental tool can grasp the complex and mysterious design of your soul, that makes you switch between depths of despair, pain and loneliness, show how new and wonderful landscapes of yourself.

But, when you're in the action and do something you enjoy, it's painting, music, dance or other, you're on your way, you are with truth, close to you. It 'a disarming simplicity and ease, how simple and wonderful breath and feel your heart beat, for us Western people as mentally developed. But life is simple and asks you to live with the energy that moves you, lightly and child's heart to discover your deep. Without knowing you're touching your spiritual dimensions that embrace the parts known and unknown merging in life itself, and this discovery gives you even more life and joy.

Are you in joy, foul as much as possible, always fun, everyday, do more and more what you like, you smile, Laugh, in this way you are closer to your soul.

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